Monday, May 9


Ya Allah... I can't take it anymore
YOU know what's in me and i don't know what's in YOU
This thing has taken its toll on me since i was a little girl
an endless maze and day-to-day bullshit
I am asking YOU for a tap on my shoulder, a hug my Lord,
want to feel it's gonna be alright at the end
YOU've given me the strength to pass lots of stuff, losing jobs.... frustrations
i seek your mercy and i do believe in it as much as i believe in YOUR presence
rest this weary heart of mine and i don't know about the solution
YOU know it
just give me a shed where i can rest so that i can keep on walking
until it's time to meet YOU
grant me the happiness of seeing YOUR glorious face
and the belief in just how strong i am to make it this far
am not letting YOU down ya Allah.. never, ever
and i know YOU will answer my humble prayer


Aryana said...

its gOOd u believe in God
be sure HE help ya

Beena said...

i dont have the least doubt in this dear ^^
God is there for everybody : )

Aryana said...
