Saturday, August 27

a song to my mum

i respect hip hop artists because they speak their hearts out and they're not ashamed of whatever hardships they faced or still face in their life, problems they get themselves in.. i wont be able to rhyme though but i really wanted to write a song to my mama...

it all started like 10 years ago, whatever was the reason.. mama who cares.. it flares, shit happens.. ur still suffering too much.. u asked me "when will it end?", the question hit me hard.. dunno ya mama, it will.. i smiled and wondered to myself "will it?" "when then?" what ur through will always be like a crown on ur head for me.. its like u had all the chances to leave and live away from us .. u had ur health beside u back then.. but instead u said i'd stay for my girls to be ok.. u cared ya mama how can i forget.. ur still bearing the solitude, this prison we call home and u dont complain instead u smile and pray.. and now i promise you, no i swear, i pray.. these tears you shed the night before will be the reason u will laugh...


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