Wednesday, July 9

Life A Loom,Threads the Days and We the Weavers

Sometimes I mean you should just leave it to God
Coz in one way or the other we all puppets in this game

It's like

Life's a loom and the threads are the days

And only God decides when to cut them

Even though the job is unfinished

We're all by his mercy

U know I can recall when pops left home

He used to write us twice a year

We didn't have phone I grew up on my own

My Mama cried often I mean he didn't even show up when she passed away

She had a heart attack 'cause they said he got married again

Cut all ties with us 'cause he had a new family and friends

So I was expected to step up and be a man

Quit school got a job you know just be there for my family

You see I'm nothing like my pops

I see my woman twice a year

And one day I'll bring her and my kid up here

You see that picture there

That's our wedding she was 21

Ain't she pretty and my first born was a son

And now she's pregnant again

Thank you

And if it's a girl I'll name her Fatima, give her the world

U see my friend life is a loom

So you keep smiling like me


Life is a loom

Threads are the days

God decides when to cut them

Even though the work ain't done


Believe in the moment and you will be here with me

Here with me

If God is willing

(extracts from "Life is a Loom" by Outlandish)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

تيست تيست واحد اتنين تلاتة :)